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Testing New Products at The Mid South Gravel Bike Race

Initial photos, words and design criteria for a prototype camera bag I used at the 2023 Mid South Gravel Bike Race. I also share some images taken while riding the event.

Greetings folks. I hope you are all doing well and that winter is in the rear view mirror! I have been a bit quiet over here at Iceworm MFG for a number of reasons. One of those being I was working on a new personal project, a bag design to carry my camera(s) at The Mid South Gravel Bike Race. I wanted to share with you some images of the early prototype as well as share some details of the set up. Hope you enjoy!

First, let me show you the set up I used at the event.

At the moment, this is just a prototype but I can tell you that I am very, very pleased with the performance at The Mid South Gravel Bike Race & Ride. The middle picture above is my bike set up just minutes before the start of the event.

In the bar bag I carried the following:

  • Ricoh GRIII camera in a GR specific carrying cradle (another prototype). This kept the camera secure at all times.

  • iPhone - I used a second carrying cradle for my iPhone. While the course was marked I used Ride with GPS to both track progress, times, speed, etc as well as use as a reference for course navigation if needed. Both the phone and camera were held vertical by the internal carrier and gave me quick access at all times.

  • Food - I stuffed every other open space with food including figs, protein bars, electrolytes, and even a small bag of cured meat & cheese. Having it in the bar bag with quick access allowed me to eat often and quickly. Honestly, quick access likely made me eat more frequently and kept my body fueled. As a result, I ended the event with less caloric deficit than normal and o felt great.

  • I also stored my gloves and arm warmers when I removed them at the first aid station.

I am not going to go into all the features now as they are still in development, but I will share with you the design goals.

  • Quick access - There are already many bar bags out on the market that have multiple straps & flaps that are focused on security of the contents 1st with access second. I wanted both access & security with this bag. I promise you all that you will take less pictures if you do not have quick access to the camera.

  • Security - Needed the bag to be secure so it didn’t bounce around, make noise and jostle the contents. To that end there are attachments at the bar as well as to a lower support, bag brace. I am using the Swood Cycles Twisted T-Bar on both the bikes shown above and I attach the bag via hook & loop straps to the both the bar and to the lower cross bar of the Swood T-Bar. Honestly, I think this is an outstanding product. And think you all should buy one from Swood!

    Internally, there is a full hook & loop internal to attach dividers, pockets, camera carriers, etc. In addition, there is a cinch style closure to close up if you anticipate a rough road or mild dust, moisture, etc.

  • Rain/Mud Coverage - I built this with an external, roll top flap. This is not something intended to be opened or closed while riding. It is there to give you the extra coverage and security above and beyond the cinch flap if and when needed.

With that out of the way, here are some pictures taken during the ride/race. Hope you enjoy them. It was a beautiful course and stunner of a day!

The bag worked incredible well and I will be cutting and sewing an updated version with a few changes later this week while the experience is fresh. I’ll keep you updated as this camera bag progresses.

On the personal front, I am happy to say that I felt great. The event was a few miles longer than last year as well as more difficult. The conditions were great and I finished 20+ minutes ahead of my time the previous year! Very pleased with that start to the year.

Lastly, I wanted to share a few images from walking around. This year my son Nathan joined me so I did not focus on photography. Rather, I took a few shots here and there. Hope you enjoy them too.

Thanks again for checking this out and thanks to Bobby, The Mid South crew and all my friends & family for the support. You all make life great and I came home from the Mid South energized. Love you all!

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Photographers Corner jason boucher Photographers Corner jason boucher

Ricoh GRIII & GRIIIX Review and Long Term User Experience

A long term user experience with my beloved Ricoh Pentax GRIII and GRIIIX cameras. I’ve traveled the world with these tiny powerhouses of cameras. Read on for some words and lots of images from these amazing and capable camera.

I have spent much of my adult life in the outdoors, carrying a camera and snapping images. Whether traveling in plains, trains, boats and automobiles or riding bicycles, hiking, skiing, canoeing, or kayaking, I almost always have a camera with me. Over that time I have found I value one thing in a camera more than anything else, size.

My pursuit of photography was no different than most. My passion for it developed in college and like many that pursue photography either as a passion or a profession, the desire for the best gear and perfection resulted in a full frame, large bodied DSLR. In my younger years I often carried that camera in a back pack or in accessible larger bag. As years progressed, I jumped to mirrorless cameras as they were smaller and offered a host of other benefits. Over the years, even mirrorless cameras got big, at least their lenses did and I struggled to carry them. For many outdoor activities I enjoy, I simply did not carry a camera. Now coming full circle, I went back to fixed lens cameras. Enter the Ricoh camera and camera systems.  

I became enamored with the GR and their take on cameras about 15 years ago. They were small, capable and seemed to have features that I wanted. Ricoh seemed to understand the needs of folks wanting small, capable, cameras that were quick to shoot and provided really top notch image quality. I also felt the menus systems were clear and I loved the simple, clear font. Seriously, I was smitten and over the course of about 5 years, I ended up with a Ricoh GRI, Ricoh GRII, GR, GRD, GX200 and a GRX system. Today, my favored, simple kit focused on an active, outdoor or travel lifestyle is a combination of the Ricoh GRIII and GRIIIX. Admittedly, I am a fanboy.  

When Ricoh released the 40mm GR IIIX, it cemented my love for the system. Sure they had the crop modes in the GR series cameras with 28mm FOV that work great, especially when set up on a function button. However, they are cropped and I want to use the full APSC sensor for capture. (Now….if they would just add a 75mm to 85mm version I’d complete the holy trinity of compact cameras).  Having both a 28mm and a 40mm gives me so much joy and versatility. I can carry both, my phone, wallet, earbuds, chapstick, and an extra battery in my ULD Sling bag and barely know they are there!

How I use and have the camera’s set up.  

Color coded - This is geeky I know, but since the GRIII and GRIIIX are identical to touch, to make it easy to quickly understand what camera is which by eyesight alone I have them color coded in lens ring and either a wrist or finger camera strap.

Thumb grip - I really like to add a thumbgrip. While it renders the hot shoe useless it absolutely adds to the ability to comfortably hold the camera and this extra grip allows me to hold it more steadily in lower light or slower shutter speed situations. For those interested, I bought the inexpensive JJC model. They were something like $18 a piece.

Snap Focus - For street walking and discreet types of photography, I most often put them in snap focus, auto ISO and continuous shooting.  There is no holy grail of ISO and snap focus distance settings. As a photographer, you still need to understand how those things impact image quality and you need to set those to your preference for your desired output or use.

Iceworm MFG ULD Sling Bag - This is my own company and I spent over 6 months prototyping and designing my ULD Sling bag. While it works with other compacts, this bag is specifically design to carry the GR’s. I have traveled extensively with this set up now and just love it. Quick access, easy in and out, quick concealment.

RAW - I shoot RAW 100% of the time. I use the in camera RAW conversion when I want to use the wifi transfer and phone app to send to phone for quick editing, sharing or immediate social media posting.

User Experience and Review

While this article is more about a user experience than a formal review, I will give this really simple, short list of Pro’s/Con’s. This is developed from many years of using the GR series cameras.  


  • Size - This is the number one driver for me personally. I carry one or both cameras all the time simply because they are so small. they are easier to carry for me than the new giant cell phones.

  • Image quality - In short, amazing. I have used both the 16MP and now 24MP, APS-C sensor GR cameras. I am blown away by the image quality and flexibility of the files.

  • Lens sharpness - Really impressed with both the 28mm and 40mm lenses.

  • Snap Focus capability - Especially when traveling where i am sitting in a cab, a bus, a plain, a train or street walking, I often set the camera in snap focus, set my desired focal length, put the camera in auto ISO and walk and shoot.

  • Quick off/on - It’s ready to shoot in an instant, even with the retractable lens. Especially when you are using snap focus and not depending on autofocus.

  • Menus - Clear and simple. I also love the font as it’s so easy to read. This is a your results may vary pro. I simply get along with them but recognize this also is influenced by how long I have used the camera.  


  • Fragile - After years of use and rendering a number of cameras useless with my abuse, it is clear they are a bit fragile. The lens that expands and retracts is great, but the light plastic pellicle lens cover is easy to get off track or damage. You also need to make sure you don’t turn the camera on and off in your pocket or camera bag as restricting the extension of the lens during the on process can easily jam it.  

  • Dust - Similar to the fragility related to the expanding/contracting lens, the camera appears to not have the best sealing and I’ve gotten dust inside that did end up impacting image quality.    

  • Autofocus - It’s still not the best autofocus. With all the new advancements in face autofocus, this system feels a bit archaic compared to what is currently on the market. It also has some challenges at closer focus distances and takes some time to get both the framing as well as the focus.

  • Note here:

    • I do believe the GRIIIX autofocus is better than the 28mm. I have no actual proof here, just my experience. Your results may vary.  

    • On the fragility and dust - Honestly, I have little issue with these now that have both accepted it and know it, but also because I am diligent about using these cameras in a camera bag instead of carrying in a pocket or something. Intentionality in usage and protection goes a long way.    

So let’s look at some images from the GRIII and GRIIIX cameras. Please click on any image to go to slideshow mode.

Please note. These images are taken over several years. I take images for fun and process them in the moment, days and weeks following their capture. This set was not edited to be a finished set with similar, look, feel and story. They are images from real world life and living in the moment!

Family and fun

Travel & Street

Bikes, Bikes and more Bikes

As you can see, I have used the camera in a number of different ways & experiences. I simply love the camera. Because of these cameras, I actually have more images. I am sure many will say they prefer to just use their phone for the types of images I have shared here. That is great and I am glad you like them. I prefer the the little GR’s as they give me a more photographic experience and higher quality images. For me personally, a dedicated image taking device is simply more rewarding and pleasing.

What would I like to see changed in these cameras?

  • Make this product more durable and weather sealed. I, personally, would pay more for the camera if I had the trust that they would endure more.

  • Advancements in AF and face recognition. With modern sensors and technology this should be within the realm of possibility.


In 2023 I don’t see a true competitor on the market. It’s a shame really. Many will point to Fuji X100 series cameras, but as an owner of an X100V as well, I do not see these as direct competitors. While the X100 series of cameras are absolutely fantastic, the size, specifications, EVF, & focal length are in a class of their own.

If you consider older cameras, I would put the Fujifilm X70 and the Leica X1/X2 series as direct competitors. I have owned and shot both an X70 as well as a Leica X2. Both are fantastic cameras but neither are direct competitors and both are still quite expensive to buy new. However, if you can snag either of these cameras for a good price, they are absolutely worth it.

  • Things I prefer on the Fujifilm X70 over the GR series. These are based on my personal preferences and may not apply directly to how/what you prefer.

    • The fixed, 28mm lens with an aperture ring and threaded mount.

    • I also really liked the tilting screen.

  • Things I prefer on the Leica X2.

    • The color and rendering of the lens and sensor. This is really subtle and personal, but it is simply fantastic IMHO.

    • Built in flash. It’s small, but if you need it, you need it and it works

    • For a camera with an extendable lens, I prefer the Leica and while I have no proof, it seems to be built with a little more quality and strength in operation. Again, no real proof of this other than real world experiences. I do not have any comments or experience regarding video with any of the cameras mentioned here. I used them only for photography.

One final note: Ido not have any comments or experience regarding video with any of the cameras mentioned here. I used them only for photography.

Thank you all for coming along and reading. I know this may not provide some folks with the type of user review they were hoping for. Feel free to drop a comment or jump to the contact page and send me a note with questions or feedback. Happy to attempt to help and if I can’t I will let ya know that too!

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RFL Shoulder Bag - New!

Introducing the RFL Shoulder bag. A minimal bag focused on carrying a rangefinder styled compact or interchangeable lens camera. One handed, magnetic slide closure offers quick access for capturing those decisive moments and quick put away to remain discreet.

Today, I am excited to share our second bag, the RFL Shoulder Bag. the RFL shoulder bag is focused on an active photographer that uses a rangefinder styled compact or interchangeable lens camera with compact lenses. This is the ultimate shoulder bag for minimal gear and all day carry, outdoor activities. It features a one handed, magnetic slide closure mechanism offering true, one handed access whether the bag is on your back side, on your hip or slung around the front. The top closure features a 3.5” loop pad to add your own patches and personalize. This patch pad also serves as a bit of protection if you simply want to keep it in stealth mode with no patches.

For those keeping track, this is our proprietary bag #2. It is aimed at larger cameras and a bit more gear than our first product, the ULD Sling Bag. It is larger in every dimension and comes with the same commitment to simple design, light weight, & hi tech materials but comes with added versatility and options aimed at carrying a bit more kit. While intended for a bit more kit, it is still focused on carrying less. There are tons of bags out there already if you want to carry everything. Iceworm MFG is focused on building products for specific kits and use cases. It is our belief that when you carry less, you see and shoot more.

This product has been in development for sometime. The very first prototype was crafted way back in March 2022 while I was visiting a friend in Stillwater, OK whom has a great workshop. The first picture above shows the first bag I made for myself from coyote colored Cordura 500d and X-Pac VX21 in Red. It was early on in the formative stages of Iceworm MFG and development of my skills. I quickly learned that prototype #1 was too small for the desired case, but the basic patterning and ideation was solid. I quickly scaled the bag for a two week trip to Spain. I wanted something really unobtrusive, extra durable and safe. I went with 1050D ballistic fabric with not one, but two aluminum, Cobra clips. I quickly found out that the two clips limited access and the Cobra clips needed better placement. However, this bag held two cameras, my phone and my passport perfectly. After my return trip, I made a few more of these trying different fabrics, pockets, strap systems before putting this concept on simmer so I could get Iceworm MFG launched and the ULD Sling into production.

Which brings us to today, the launch of the new RFL Shoulder Bag. The RFL Shoulder bag will come in two versions, a stock configuration as well as custom. As I wrote last week in my journal entry, from inception, I have always wanted Iceworm MFG to offer custom bags. Today, I am turning the page on for the stock product in my stock color configurations. Later this week, I will be turning on the custom pages for both the ULD Sing and the new RFL Shoulder Bag. As you will see with our products going forward, the stock configurations will always be cheaper than the custom bags. Always.

Every photographer and most others out there have heard the phrase “A picture is worth 1000 words”. So before I get to the details of this bag, here are some pics to show you some various examples of how I have used and what I carry in my personal RFL Shoulder Bag.

For complete details, please see the product page. There is a lot of information there. Later this week, please check back for the new custom program.

Thank you so much for following along and the support. Please leave me comment or drop me a message on the contact form if you have any questions.

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Bag 2. Step 2.

Initial details of our next custom camera bag as well as details of new custom options for all our products.

A prototype of Bag 2 on the streets of Nashville - Photo by Glenn Charles

I am excited to share initial details of Iceworm MFG’s second camera bag as well as the next step, or evolution, in our business model. It’s been quite a journey this year and before I get into details, I want to thank those folks that have purchased product and supported Iceworm MFG through our the humble beginnings. Sincerely, thank you. It means the world to me. Nothing excited me more than someone messaging me or sending me a picture of one of my products in use. For those just landing here, either by choice or accident, I encourage you to click and read the Brand Story from above as well as click Subscribe to follow along and get updates.

Just one short year ago I told my wife and closest friends that I was going to start designing and building camera bags. That moment seems both like a long time ago as well as just a few minutes ago. Hard to believe a year has passed since the inception of this idea. My initial spark was not only triggered by me leaving a 25+ year career in brand and product development, but also challenge me and to solve some real world problem statements that I have encountered and longed for as a lifelong, active, adventure photographer. I

I don’t want to give all the elements of what Iceworm MFG’s secret sauce is just yet, but after some market research it was evident that the camera carry and accessory world has an infinite number of brands and products trying to serve all and fit all. These solutions are often made inexpensively overseas, are almost always focused on price points with non premium materials, and focus on protection at the expense of weight and real time usability. Many times the camera offerings aren’t even their primary purpose but its a bag and they make bags so they need to offer something. I am not putting them down and there are some incredibly great brands out there that I admire and personally still use. I was in product development for many years and completely understand business, design criteria/solutions and manufacturing to meet target price points and consumer needs/wants. I simply did not want to approach the camera bag and accessory market from this direction. My intent from the beginning was to offer specific bags and accessories for specific use cases and specific cameras.

Bag #1 Details - My personal Ultra Light Sling Duo with my daily, walk around essentials

My first product, the Ultra Light Sling Duo, is a true example of our brand intent, values and direction. While we have seen our customers use this bag in a number of ways, it was designed specifically to carry one or two small, compact cameras snuggly so that the bag did not need to extra, frivolous padding adding weight and bulk to the bag. It carries two cameras and a journal, pen, iPhone, an extra battery, and a small credit card type wallet. I have travelled all over the US as well as internationally with this bag and cameras and it works perfectly as intended. It isn’t for everyone, but for those that want the lightest, best featured, lighweight camera bag for travel and outdoor activity, it is one of the best solutions out there. Where this first product fell short was in the customization options. At inception only 1 standard color was offered with a second coming a few months later.

After launching Bag 1, it was even more evident that folks wanted specific colors, materials, etc. I did build several custom colors and learned a lot about what the customer wanted and what opportunities there might be for Iceworm MFG going forward. I also learned how hard it was to have everything readily available, build products one at a time out of new materials buckles, hardware & straps that were different than the stock product that I was familiar with. Frankly speaking, the full custom was and is an incredibly challenging proposition and path forward. One of which I fully intend to get too as I build this brand and business.

So let’s discuss bag 2 and step 2.

On Monday, December 12th I plan turn the details of Bag 2 live in my catalog and open pre orders. It is a bag intended for rangefinder type fixed or interchangeable lens cameras with compact lenses. Bag 3 coming early next year will be larger yet and allow for larger lenses so stay tuned if you like to carry larger lenses or slightly larger center EVF type cameras. Below are some images of various configurations of Bag 2 that I have made for myself as well a few friends. With the introduction of Bag 2, I will also updating options for bag 1, the Ultra Light Sling Duo. The Ultra Light Sling Mono will be going away completely with the introduction of this new bag.

With this launch, I will be offering stock colors as well as launching a new semi custom program. This means I will be offering both Bag 1 and Bag 2 in stock configuration(s) that I build 5-10 at a time. I will also be offering a semi custom where you can choose certain materials, colors, buckles, etc that I have in stock. This custom option will come at an additional cost as they result in slower processes such as single cuts, thread color changes, changing needles, thread, etc.

If you have any thoughts, questions or comments, please leave a comment or hit me up in the contact box. Until then, enjoy a sneak peek at Bag #2. Click on any image to view in slideshow mode.

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jason boucher jason boucher

Ultra Light Sling Mono

Introducing the Ultra Light Sling Mono from Iceworm MFG, a minimal carry solution for compact cameras.

Introducing the Ultra Light Sling Mono (ULSM). The Mono is a new configuration of our first product, the UL Sling Duo. It is optimized to carry a small, focused walk around or travel kit. The single pocket can carry a slightly larger compact camera along with minimal essentials. The ULSM is available now in two colors, Black/Orange or Gray/Spanish Teal and includes an adjustable length, removable shoulder strap.

The Ultra Light Sling Mono in Gray/Spanish Teal - Items pictured not included

The ULSM is identical has identical external features and dimensions as the Sling Duo. The differences are inside with a completely different pocket configuration. While the Duo is optimized to carry two extra small compact cameras such as the GRIII and GRIIIX, the ULSM is optimized to carry a slightly larger compact camera. I have used this set up to carry camera’s ranging from the compact Ricoh GR series with a grip and optical viewfinder, a Fujifilm X100 series camera without a lens hood or extra grip and my favorite, the Fuji Instax Evo. In addition to the camera, I have carried a phone, a journal and/or my passport in the narrow sleeve. Check out the following configurations and personal prototypes as examples.

The Ultra Light Sling Mono Bag has the following features.   


  • One, internal slip camera pocket. This pocket will fit a small, compact camera ranging in size from the small Ricoh GR series camera to a Fujifilm X100 series camera without an extra lens hood and/or add on grip.

  • Internal sleeves for phone, pen, battery, small writing journal, sketch pad, passport, thin wallet, etc.    

  • External loop back to attach patches, personalize the look and portray your own messages or persona. 

  • Removable, 1” seat belt weave webbing shoulder strap. Seat belt webbing is soft to touch and slides better making movement of the bag from your back to your side or front easier.Comes with adjustable length shoulder strap, range from 28” to 52”. Note, removing the shoulder strap allows you to use this as a travel bag inside another, larger bag to organize and protect your cameras.

  • Angled shoulder strap loops to assist in the bag conforming to your body

  • Bottom loop for add on stabilizer strap - Not included and sold separately here

  • Size - 9.5” x 7.5” x 1”


  • Cordura 1000D exterior, Black or Gray

  • XPac interior - Orange (VX25) for black bag or Spanish Teal for Gray bag

  • Black Hypalon strap loops and hook attachment

  • Black, YKK #8 zipper and pull

Images showing different carry options as well as finished product.

*Note bag shown with additional items are for visual reference only. Phone, camera(s), pen, ear buds, film, wallet, cash, stabilizer strap and chapstick are not included when purchasing the Ultra Light Sling Duo or Ultra Light Sling Mono.

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News jason boucher News jason boucher

What products and services are coming next?

Iceworm MFG officially opened two weeks ago! Those two weeks were filled with first sales, questions and prototyping our next products. Exciting times and thanks to all the supports. This post has answers to the most common questions. We also are sharing what products are in the pipeline at Iceworm MFG.

Happy Friday folks. Today I intend to share what is coming next and answer a few questions that I’ve received.

It’s been a great few weeks since initial opening of the web store. A lot has happened in the last few weeks. I am so thankful to those of you that have checked out the site, purchased product, subscribed, and/or followed @iceworm_MFG on Instagram. Sincerely, thank you so much. Through this two weeks I have learned so much and as a result, we are adopting our strategy daily. Again, thank you.

So let’s dig right into a few questions and I will end with a few photos of what to expect next from Iceworm MFG.

“Two products at launch?”

“Is this all you are doing?”

"Why start with such a cult, or niche, camera for your first products? Are you going to make something for my Sony? (or Fuji, or Leica, etc….)”

Iceworm MFG is focused on carry solutions and accessories for adventurous photographers and videographers. Long term you can expect a healthy portfolio of products serving several niches, focused outdoor activities and camera systems. So yes, there will be more products coming. I will share more details below along with some prototype pictures.

That said, Iceworm MFG isn’t going to be the everything for everyone brand. There are already great products out there that allow you to carry bigger camera systems, tripods, lights, big lenses….and a kitchen sink. Iceworm MFG will release specific solutions to specific experiences, activities and products.

New products will be released when they are ready. Being ready means the design is tried and tested, it is manufacturable, raw materials can be sourced consistently and we have capacity.

“Will you do other colors?”

“Will you use other materials?”

“Will you do custom orders? Either custom options of existing products or something custom for the specific camera set up I am using?

Iceworm MFG is a start up at this point. The intent with offering a very focused product line. The initial offering here is building the systems, tools, processes and learning needed to scale this business. Long term, we intend to stock a singular color option, often black, and then offer custom color and/or fabric options, one time color productions, etc at an up-charge.

“Where are your products made?”

Currently all products are designed, developed and produced in Minnesota, USA. Longer term that may not be the case. I expect to move to new studio on 2023 and we will have to hire, or sub contract, some of the production. For the foreseeable future, products will be sourced domestically. However, I am working on some products that may be sourced internationally in the future, either as a sub component or full production. Note: I have 20+ years of experience sourcing products in SE Asia through my previous, professional career.

“What are your next products?”

“Are you making something for bigger cameras?”

I want to reiterate that over time we will add products when they are ready and the intent is to have a healthy offering of product. Initial products will start on small, cult/niche, experiences and cameras. But here are a few things we are working on in a couple of areas.

With those first common questions out of the way, let’s get to new products and what is coming next! The following products are in prototype phase.

Two finger, mini camera straps. These mini straps are in prototype phase with a number of different connectors, cords and options. Here is a pic of my first prototype on my Ricoh GRIII Street edition. More on these in the coming month or so. Multiple options in color, connectors, etc.

Bag #2 - Bag #2 is also in prototype phase. The first image above is my personal bag that I used in Spain for a 2 week trip carrying my Fuji X100V and a Fuji XE4 with Cosina Voiglander 35 f1.2. X mount lens. The last details are in process right now. Right now the thinking is that we will offer this in 2-3 sizes to fit compact cameras, small fixed lens cameras such as the Fuji X100 series and Sony RX1 series as well as smaller, interchangeable mirrorless and rangefinder style cameras with smaller, interchangeable lenses.

Bag #2 is dependent on final solutions for internal camera carriers. These internal carriers are camera specific and hold and protect the cameras. We do not intend to release bag #2 until the supporting, internal accessories are done. Bag #2’s performance and features depend on these accessories.

Bag Straps - We will be adding some bag strap options to the store in August. My first product, the ULSD, comes with an adjustable length strap. I intend to add fixed length straps. Additionally, with Bag #2 development, I will be adding a 1.5” width shoulder strap to help carry the additional weight associated with larger cameras and/or lenses.

Camera Straps - We are working on a camera sling strap system for those of you whom are wanting and willing to carry a camera on your back. We will likely add a few wrist straps as well after we finish the two finger, mini camera straps.

Bag #3 - Hip pack/fanny pack - There are certain activities where this style of bag is the best. This likely will not come until 2023 due to capacity and complexity in sewing these bags. We have some additional equipment on order to support making this more challenging bag to our standards. But know we have built many prototypes and have been using them since early 2022.

Bag #4 - Larger bag for mirrorless cameras with a center hump/viewfinder and larger interchangeable lenses. Think Sony A7 series, Fuji XT and XH4 series, Nikon Z 6/7 series etc. This is far out on the horizon. This has never been our focus as there are many companies already serving this segment of the market, but we have a few ideas. This will be sometime in 2023.

And just for fun, a few photos of prototypes out in the wild!

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New Product jason boucher New Product jason boucher

Ultra Light Sling Duo - Iceworm MFG

Introducing the new Ultra Light Sling Duo by Iceworm MFG. Designed for carrying the minimal essentials while walking that city or getting lost in the outdoors.

ULSD - The new Ultra Lite Sling Duo by Iceworm MFG

Introducing the new Iceworm MFG Ultra Light Sling Duo (ULSD) camera bag. The ULSD  is focused on ultra light carry experiences. Whether you are in the city or in the outdoors, it’s designed to carry a small and capable daily kit while staying out of the way until you see that moment you want your camera in your hand.  

To understand the desired experience and features of this camera bag, it’s important to understand my obsession with with small cameras. The ethos behind this camera bag design is rooted in a few simple philosophies. The first being you should always have a camera with you. The second being you don’t get any pictures you don’t take.

A sampling of my small camera collection. Some old gems in there!

My journey with always having a camera with me began on my Alaskan bike tour.  You can read about that in the Iceworm MFG origin story here. On that incredible journey from Alaska to Utah on my bicycle, I learned that a camera in a bag, tucked inside another bag on the front of a bicycle wasn’t conducive to taking images, at least quickly. On that journey, I missed many shots of candid moments. Like many other photographers seeking a camera to always have with them, I went through a what seemed like a never ending quest to find the perfect camera and progressed from film SLR, compact digital, SLR digital, mirrorless fixed, mirrorless interchangeable lens, and again back to compact. I even tried to use my phone as my on the move camera, but as a photographer, I have always found the user experience of a phone to be lacking. My current favorite cameras are the Ricoh GRIIIx and the Fuji X100V.

Along with the obsession with compact digital and film cameras, I have also been obsessed with camera bags…OK all bags really.  I know I am not alone here. Over the years I have purchased countless camera bags & straps to make my various imaging devices accessible so that I have access to them while out exploring and experiencing the world on trips big and small. In the end, the desire to solve the carry and access problems I have always experienced, I decided to start making my own.

New Ultra Light Sling Bag, my personal & current prototype and 3 previous versions (disassembled after testing)

This brings us to the introduction to both Iceworm MFG and the the first product, the Ultra Light Sling Duo. I designed this product from a very personal use case and minimal carry experience. I made the first prototype back in January 2022 and have built several versions since. I have hiked, biked, and explored the streets of many cities. Most recently, I spent 2 weeks in Spain and I used the USLD every single day carrying my camera, phone, passport, vaccination card and masks.  

The Ultra Light sling bag has the following features.   


  • Two internal slip pockets. These pockets fit two, small fixed lens cameras. It is ideal for retracting lens digital cameras like the Ricoh GR series, Sony RX100 series, Fuji X70 and Leica X1/X2 series.  Note: Larger fixed lens cameras such as Fuji X100 and Sony RX1 series may fit as long as you do not have a hood mounted, but will deform the bag or inhibit some of the features. 

  • Internal sleeve for phone, small writing journal, sketch pad & pen, thin wallet, etc.    

  • External loop back to attach patches, personalize the look and portray your own messages or persona. 

  • 1” seat belt weave webbing shoulder strap. Seat belt webbing is soft to touch and slides better making movement of the bag from your back to your side or front easier.Comes with adjustable length shoulder strap, range from 28” to 52”

  • Angled Strap loops to assist in the bag conforming to your body

  • Bottom loop for add on stabilizer strap - Not included and sold separately here

  • Size - 9.5” x 7.5” x 1”


  • Cordura 1000D exterior, black

  • XPac interior, black (VX03) or orange (VX25)

  • Black Hypalon strap loops and hook attachment

  • Black, YKK #8 zipper and pull

Images showing different carry options as well as finished product.

*Note bag shown with additional items are for visual reference only. Phone, camera(s), ear buds, film, wallet, cash, stabilizer strap and chapstick are not included when purchasing the ULSD.

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News jason boucher News jason boucher

Welcome to Iceworm MFG

Welcome to Iceworm MFG. We are committed to providing the best carry solutions and accessories for adventurous photographers and videographers.

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you here to Iceworm MFG. Today marks the launch of a new brand focused on carry solutions and accessories for adventurous photographers and videographers.

Before we get too far, I’d like to take a little time to give you some background information on me and where I intend to guide this brand. My name is Jason Boucher, I am the founder, designer and currently also the maker of these products. The journey to Iceworm MFG began in the late ‘90’s. You can read the origin story of the name here. It was 25+ years ago I wrote Iceworm in a journal with a commitment to start my own company one day.

My path to today and this place has not been a straight road. It has been filled with many twists, turns and ups & downs. After that bicycle journey from Alaska to Utah so many years ago, I ended up working for a growing business in the bicycle industry. I spent 25.5 years at that organization moving through many roles. It was a fun, entrepreneurial company with a growing proprietary business unit. I spent much of my time there in various leadership roles in customer service, sales, purchasing, product management, program management, product development, brand management, supply chain and executive leadership. It was a thrilling career that allowed me to learn and work with amazing people as well as design & deliver some amazing brand experiences & products.

In July 2021 I made the very difficult decision to leave this organization. I still get asked “Why I left?” I wish I could provide a short easy answer. But after 25+ years at an organization, there isn’t exactly a short answer. The shortest version I have words for is simply that like many, Covid and the resulting, tumultuous impact on the lives of my close friends, my family, my organization and myself really hit me hard. What was I working for? Who was I working for? Why was I beholden to all these things that were infringing on me becoming the person I wanted to be? Is there another way? In the end, like many others, I joined the great resignation and spent the last year re-creating a future vision and mapping out a more fulfilling and rewarding future.

Over the last year, I had the opportunity to pursue my passions of both cycling and photography without restrictions of time and commitments to others. I also had time to really focus on my personal & professional development and technical skills. This has been rewarding. My creativity boomed and my clarity for what I wanted to do came into view.

Last September while traveling, I shared with my wife and a few close friends that I had been drawing camera bags and that I think I have a few ideas that are worth pursuing. I continued to pursue and refine these ideas. In January I made the first prototypes and for the past 6 months I have relentlessly pursued both the ideas as well as the technical skills, tools and know how to produce these products. In that time, I have transformed my creative photography space into a cut and sew fabrication space.

Which brings us to today, the launch of Iceworm MFG, a brand and business committed to providing the best carry solutions and accessories for adventurous photographers.

Sincerely, thank you for stopping by and checking out our brand and products. If you’d like to know more and follow along, I’d encourage you to jump on over to our Subscribe page, enter your email and be part of journey. Otherwise, stop back next week as we share our first products focused on small cameras and ultra light, minimal carry solutions.

Jason Boucher

Founder, Designer & Maker

Travel Light. Shoot More.

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