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What products and services are coming next?

Iceworm MFG officially opened two weeks ago! Those two weeks were filled with first sales, questions and prototyping our next products. Exciting times and thanks to all the supports. This post has answers to the most common questions. We also are sharing what products are in the pipeline at Iceworm MFG.

Happy Friday folks. Today I intend to share what is coming next and answer a few questions that I’ve received.

It’s been a great few weeks since initial opening of the web store. A lot has happened in the last few weeks. I am so thankful to those of you that have checked out the site, purchased product, subscribed, and/or followed @iceworm_MFG on Instagram. Sincerely, thank you so much. Through this two weeks I have learned so much and as a result, we are adopting our strategy daily. Again, thank you.

So let’s dig right into a few questions and I will end with a few photos of what to expect next from Iceworm MFG.

“Two products at launch?”

“Is this all you are doing?”

"Why start with such a cult, or niche, camera for your first products? Are you going to make something for my Sony? (or Fuji, or Leica, etc….)”

Iceworm MFG is focused on carry solutions and accessories for adventurous photographers and videographers. Long term you can expect a healthy portfolio of products serving several niches, focused outdoor activities and camera systems. So yes, there will be more products coming. I will share more details below along with some prototype pictures.

That said, Iceworm MFG isn’t going to be the everything for everyone brand. There are already great products out there that allow you to carry bigger camera systems, tripods, lights, big lenses….and a kitchen sink. Iceworm MFG will release specific solutions to specific experiences, activities and products.

New products will be released when they are ready. Being ready means the design is tried and tested, it is manufacturable, raw materials can be sourced consistently and we have capacity.

“Will you do other colors?”

“Will you use other materials?”

“Will you do custom orders? Either custom options of existing products or something custom for the specific camera set up I am using?

Iceworm MFG is a start up at this point. The intent with offering a very focused product line. The initial offering here is building the systems, tools, processes and learning needed to scale this business. Long term, we intend to stock a singular color option, often black, and then offer custom color and/or fabric options, one time color productions, etc at an up-charge.

“Where are your products made?”

Currently all products are designed, developed and produced in Minnesota, USA. Longer term that may not be the case. I expect to move to new studio on 2023 and we will have to hire, or sub contract, some of the production. For the foreseeable future, products will be sourced domestically. However, I am working on some products that may be sourced internationally in the future, either as a sub component or full production. Note: I have 20+ years of experience sourcing products in SE Asia through my previous, professional career.

“What are your next products?”

“Are you making something for bigger cameras?”

I want to reiterate that over time we will add products when they are ready and the intent is to have a healthy offering of product. Initial products will start on small, cult/niche, experiences and cameras. But here are a few things we are working on in a couple of areas.

With those first common questions out of the way, let’s get to new products and what is coming next! The following products are in prototype phase.

Two finger, mini camera straps. These mini straps are in prototype phase with a number of different connectors, cords and options. Here is a pic of my first prototype on my Ricoh GRIII Street edition. More on these in the coming month or so. Multiple options in color, connectors, etc.

Bag #2 - Bag #2 is also in prototype phase. The first image above is my personal bag that I used in Spain for a 2 week trip carrying my Fuji X100V and a Fuji XE4 with Cosina Voiglander 35 f1.2. X mount lens. The last details are in process right now. Right now the thinking is that we will offer this in 2-3 sizes to fit compact cameras, small fixed lens cameras such as the Fuji X100 series and Sony RX1 series as well as smaller, interchangeable mirrorless and rangefinder style cameras with smaller, interchangeable lenses.

Bag #2 is dependent on final solutions for internal camera carriers. These internal carriers are camera specific and hold and protect the cameras. We do not intend to release bag #2 until the supporting, internal accessories are done. Bag #2’s performance and features depend on these accessories.

Bag Straps - We will be adding some bag strap options to the store in August. My first product, the ULSD, comes with an adjustable length strap. I intend to add fixed length straps. Additionally, with Bag #2 development, I will be adding a 1.5” width shoulder strap to help carry the additional weight associated with larger cameras and/or lenses.

Camera Straps - We are working on a camera sling strap system for those of you whom are wanting and willing to carry a camera on your back. We will likely add a few wrist straps as well after we finish the two finger, mini camera straps.

Bag #3 - Hip pack/fanny pack - There are certain activities where this style of bag is the best. This likely will not come until 2023 due to capacity and complexity in sewing these bags. We have some additional equipment on order to support making this more challenging bag to our standards. But know we have built many prototypes and have been using them since early 2022.

Bag #4 - Larger bag for mirrorless cameras with a center hump/viewfinder and larger interchangeable lenses. Think Sony A7 series, Fuji XT and XH4 series, Nikon Z 6/7 series etc. This is far out on the horizon. This has never been our focus as there are many companies already serving this segment of the market, but we have a few ideas. This will be sometime in 2023.

And just for fun, a few photos of prototypes out in the wild!

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News jason boucher News jason boucher

Welcome to Iceworm MFG

Welcome to Iceworm MFG. We are committed to providing the best carry solutions and accessories for adventurous photographers and videographers.

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you here to Iceworm MFG. Today marks the launch of a new brand focused on carry solutions and accessories for adventurous photographers and videographers.

Before we get too far, I’d like to take a little time to give you some background information on me and where I intend to guide this brand. My name is Jason Boucher, I am the founder, designer and currently also the maker of these products. The journey to Iceworm MFG began in the late ‘90’s. You can read the origin story of the name here. It was 25+ years ago I wrote Iceworm in a journal with a commitment to start my own company one day.

My path to today and this place has not been a straight road. It has been filled with many twists, turns and ups & downs. After that bicycle journey from Alaska to Utah so many years ago, I ended up working for a growing business in the bicycle industry. I spent 25.5 years at that organization moving through many roles. It was a fun, entrepreneurial company with a growing proprietary business unit. I spent much of my time there in various leadership roles in customer service, sales, purchasing, product management, program management, product development, brand management, supply chain and executive leadership. It was a thrilling career that allowed me to learn and work with amazing people as well as design & deliver some amazing brand experiences & products.

In July 2021 I made the very difficult decision to leave this organization. I still get asked “Why I left?” I wish I could provide a short easy answer. But after 25+ years at an organization, there isn’t exactly a short answer. The shortest version I have words for is simply that like many, Covid and the resulting, tumultuous impact on the lives of my close friends, my family, my organization and myself really hit me hard. What was I working for? Who was I working for? Why was I beholden to all these things that were infringing on me becoming the person I wanted to be? Is there another way? In the end, like many others, I joined the great resignation and spent the last year re-creating a future vision and mapping out a more fulfilling and rewarding future.

Over the last year, I had the opportunity to pursue my passions of both cycling and photography without restrictions of time and commitments to others. I also had time to really focus on my personal & professional development and technical skills. This has been rewarding. My creativity boomed and my clarity for what I wanted to do came into view.

Last September while traveling, I shared with my wife and a few close friends that I had been drawing camera bags and that I think I have a few ideas that are worth pursuing. I continued to pursue and refine these ideas. In January I made the first prototypes and for the past 6 months I have relentlessly pursued both the ideas as well as the technical skills, tools and know how to produce these products. In that time, I have transformed my creative photography space into a cut and sew fabrication space.

Which brings us to today, the launch of Iceworm MFG, a brand and business committed to providing the best carry solutions and accessories for adventurous photographers.

Sincerely, thank you for stopping by and checking out our brand and products. If you’d like to know more and follow along, I’d encourage you to jump on over to our Subscribe page, enter your email and be part of journey. Otherwise, stop back next week as we share our first products focused on small cameras and ultra light, minimal carry solutions.

Jason Boucher

Founder, Designer & Maker

Travel Light. Shoot More.

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